
At Father Donald MacLellan Catholic Secondary School, we value parent and guardian engagement in their child's education. We believe the partnership between home, parish and school is vital to a student's success. We believe that good schools become better schools when there is a strong connection with the parent community. This can be achieved through volunteering through our Catholic School Council or Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee.

Safe and caring schools

We are committed to fostering a positive and welcoming school climate at Father Donald MacLellan Catholic Secondary School. Learn more about our Safe and Accepting Schools program.

Report it

Whether it's a student absence or a concern/ incident of bullying - you can report it. Open lines of communication between you and your child's school will ensure we are addressing any concerns and providing students with supports.

News and events

Be informed on what's happening at Father Donald MacLellan Catholic Secondary School. Download our mobile app from the Apple or Google Play stores to receive information directly to your hand-held device. Or subscribe to our news items to receive the latest updates and events:

Ontario College of Teachers - How We Support Students

Parents and guardians can learn more about how the Ontario College of Teachers are supporting students. Click here to access the brochure.